Welcome! I’m Sherold Barr, a two-time successful entrepreneur, a master coach, and a writer living in Portland, OR, with my husband, John, a retired emergency physician, and my trusted companion, Teddy, a labradoodle.
I’ve written blogs on my website for years. I write about resilience, growing from adversity, spiritual awakenings, mindset, and reducing emotional suffering.
In 1998, I started a high-tech PR firm, Extraordinary Work Group. I contracted with Microsoft’s PR firm to represent Microsoft’s Healthcare Solutions Group to the healthcare IT media, business press, and analyst groups. I also represented a variety of Microsoft’s healthcare software partners. Before that, I was the PR director and spokesperson for a hospital in Oregon for eight years.
After my youngest brother, Byron, was killed in 2005 (it’s a cold case), I downsized my PR firm to one client. Before Byron’s death, I had been accepted into Case Western’s Positive Organizational Development and Change master’s program.
I could not attend because I needed time to grieve and go through counseling for our tragic loss. After two years, I decided to work with people and train to become a life coach and master life coach.
For a decade, I helped women start online businesses until I was in a near-fatal car wreck in Baja, Mexico, in 2017 that required six abdominal surgeries for me to survive. In the years since then, I’ve worked with an EMDR counselor for years after the accident. For the past year, I’ve been working with an Internal Family Systems (IFS) counselor to help me heal from trauma.
I’ve been writing a memoir about surviving and growing from adversity for five years. Each traumatic experience brought about a spiritual awakening that changed my life. I discovered a power greater than myself is at work in the world. I now live more spiritually, focusing on gratitude, love, and kindness.
I have evidence the Universe is benevolent before, during, and after a trauma.
Life has taught me that we live in a kind Universe. In my articles, I freely share my experiences with spiritual awakening, surrendering, and acceptance.
I teach my clients about resilience, courage, and mindset to help them create a strong inner life to weather uncertainty and change.
I want you to trust your experience in life.
I consider nature my church and spend as much time in the wilderness as possible. We camp off the grid in Bambi, our 19-foot-Airstream, as much as possible in the summer.
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I’ll teach you the practices that have helped me live a meaningful life.
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I want to create a community of people who want to learn how to cultivate resilience, mindset, and spiritual practices to help you develop a strong inner life.
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