Before I started working with Sherold, I was stuck in a small business and small money mindset. I fought with severe anxiety and depression daily, and lived life on a roller coaster.
My business evolution started in the first year I worked with Sherold - going from a one person freelancer who hustled and coded websites 24/7 to bring in pennies a month into what is now a high-end Digital Studio with a 5-person team and amazing clients that brings in six figures a year.

I went from a revenue of zero to $3,000 a month and I’m just at the beginning!
Through my work with Sherold and her Profit From Your Passion program, I created a 12-week signature program, which I’m currently using with my private clients. I hired a support person who helps me with the technical details of my business so I’m no longer feeling frustrated or paralyzed. I created my brand and developed uniform and professional materials for it, and I’m proud of my branded website and newsletter so I feel comfortable reaching out and communicating with my list. All of this took me from a revenue of zero to $3,000 per month — and I’m just at the beginning!
I’ve also learned some great selling techniques so I now effectively reach my ideal clients and help them create the lives they desire — that’s the point of it all!

Hiring Sherold was one of the smartest decisions I’ve made in my lifetime.
Once I started working with Sherold, I was surprised about how quickly everything came to fruition. For example, one of the things I wanted to do was Equus coaching. When Sherold and I started that was still a dream... I had not even signed up for Martha Beck’s training, which is a prerequisite of Koelle Simpson’s equus training. Due to working with Sherold, I’ve finished both training programs. I’ve already delivered two Equus leadership workshops and have two more scheduled.
My favorite part about working with Sherold is that she’s my best cheerleader, and she’s very authentic. She meets me wherever I am. If I’m struggling with something, she’ll jump right in and she genuinely cares. She goes above and beyond expectations, without question.
For anyone who is wanting to create a business – whether you’re a coach who’s ready to take your business to the next level, or you’re someone in the traditional business community and you’re looking for a better way to operate – Sherold can work with you and help you bring what you’re looking for into reality.

Sherold has been the best bang for my buck EVER. It’s been the best money I’ve spent in my business.

Now I’m moving forward with more hope and actively finding solutions to my debt problem.

Having Sherold as your one-on-one coach is life changing. She is in your corner, helping you with tools, encouraging you with ideas, and supporting you with literature. She is smart, real and knowledgeable!

Sherold helped me not only streamline my business, she also helped clarify my talents in both my personal and professional life. She helped me hone in on the main next step for growth in my business.

In just two years, I went from living on $300 a month to earning almost $80k this year!
When I started working with Sherold in Smart Women Make Money, I was living on Food Stamps and $300 a month. She helped me work a painful belief, “No one can live on $300 a month.” In doing inquiry, I realized my needs were being met.
Sherold opened my mind to the endless possibilities that were available to me. In just two years, I went from $300 a month to almost $80k a year. I bought my first house and was selected by Udemy as one of their top 10 teachers. After working with you, I know realize that the Universe has my back and nothing can hold me back!

Within 5 months, I went from "I'd like to start my own business" to being profitable enough to quit my corporate job.
I knew I wanted to leave my corporate job and start a consulting business, but when I thought about what it would be like to ramp that up while still working full time, it felt way too overwhelming. I have 3 young kids, and I was afraid that I'd be burned out, exhausted, and cranky with no time for my family during that transition period. It's funny, I was more afraid of a grueling transition period than I was of actually running a new business.
I signed on to work with Sherold because I saw that she could offer me wisdom, strategy, and support to help me transition quickly, in a way that set a solid foundation for my business.
I had NO IDEA how powerfully and immediately my external circumstances respond to my energy and my vibe. When I'm relaxed and clear and joyful, opportunities come at me from all sides. When I'm stressed or fearful, my business suffers, even if I'm still doing all of the things I'm "supposed to" be doing. Sherold helped me connect the dots between my energy and my business results. Now that I see it, it seems SO obvious.
1) Within 5 months, I went from "I'd like to start my own business" to being profitable enough to quit my corporate job and earn a solid, sustainable income doing work I love for people who inspire me. I can't believe it happened that fast.
I really appreciate how Sherold brings both the practical, business-savvy nuts & bolts, plus this magnificent wisdom about the heart and soul of our work, and how spirituality can show up there. It's a really powerful thing to have a mentor who can speak both languages.

As my business coach, Sherold showed me how to find the confidence in myself to become an entrepreneur. She helped me prioritize what was important in my private life and my professional life. She helped me figure out what was blocking me and how to get out of my own way. She led me to find the courage to embrace change and to move forward by making choices that benefited me, rather then staying where I was stuck. Her wealth of knowledge and supportive, encouraging style of coaching opened the door to a new phase of my life which is successful, prosperous and aligned with my life's purpose!

I really had no idea how to move my business forward in the future. It just seemed impossible at the time. Sherold sparked some new thinking for me, and I created a program that has legs and that can be expanded on in the future. I'm making money and I'm excited about the future!

This program is comprehensive and comes the closest to working individually in my experience.

This is one of the most value-packed, actionable and streamlined courses I have ever taken.

“You helped me see through the fear. You listened to me and then walked me through the steps it took to unravel it. You asked me the right questions and made me come up with the answer to, “what is the worst thing that could happen?” You taught me that my fear was always coming up with the catastrophic version of the outcome and that I can recognize fear BECAUSE it was coming up with the catastrophe. You gave me unwavering support.”

“Beside the fact that Sherold Barr is an incredible human being, a gentle guide and a fierce advocate for your soul, she has been able to see talents and blocks in me that I couldn’t see in myself, until I finally did. Without Sherold in my life for the last 5 years, I’m 100% sure my successes, self-awareness and growth would have been half what it has been. I’m forever grateful for the synchronicity that brought her into my life.”