Beautiful ❤️ You went through those surgeries like a champ, like no one else I know could have! I remember visiting you in the hospital with the white board across from you, you were dialed in.
Thank you. Incredibly, you were there to interview for a job when I landed at Sharp Memorial Hospital for six weeks. I still have that picture of you dressed up in my hospital room! You wore a white blouse, black pants and black heels. xo
Beautiful ❤️ You went through those surgeries like a champ, like no one else I know could have! I remember visiting you in the hospital with the white board across from you, you were dialed in.
Thank you. Incredibly, you were there to interview for a job when I landed at Sharp Memorial Hospital for six weeks. I still have that picture of you dressed up in my hospital room! You wore a white blouse, black pants and black heels. xo