Interview with Marie Forleo: Founder of B-School


It’s been said that every decade an important stranger comes into your life that changes the direction of your life.  One of the important strangers in my life is Marie Forleo.  When I first saw Marie’s video for B-School in 2010, I knew this was a woman that would change the way women did business online. I wanted to be part of that.  I’m proud to share this interview with you.  What I love most about Marie is her fearlessness in being her authentic self – a multi-passionate entrepreneur with a love of hip-hop and dance, spirituality and marketing.  Plus I admire how she is using her platform to change the lives of not only the people in B-School but of women and children worldwide.

Named by Oprah as a thought leader for the next generation and on Inc.’s 500 list of the fastest growing companies, Marie’s mission is to help you realize your greatest potential and use your gifts to change the world. She’s the creator of the award-winning show MarieTV, founder of B-School and has been featured in Entrepreneur Magazine and Fast Company, among others. Marie has mentored young business owners at Richard Branson’s Centre of Entrepreneurship. Through her Change Your Life, Change The World® initiative, each for-profit training program is tied to a for-purpose partner who supports women, the environment and entrepreneurship. is one of’s Top 100 Websites for Entrepreneurs.

Why is this the year for people to start or build their online business?

I personally think any year is a great year to start or grow your business! In online terms, technology has made it easier than ever before to get our ideas, products and services out into the world. As creators and change makers, we live in the most miraculous time in human history. We can connect with a global market and have a real, positive impact in ways never before possible. You may be wondering, “Is this is the right time for me?” Here’s the thing. It’s never the right time, if you listen to your mind. But if you listen to your heart, you’ll see that now is the perfect time to do the work you were born to do.

I know you and your team put your heart and soul into making B-School the best online program out there. What is next for you? What’s calling to you in terms of a book or another program?

We have huge goals in terms of our philanthropic work, building more schools and doing everything we can to give more people access to education and opportunities for dignified, meaningful work. From a business perspective, my next book is brewing and we have several other training programs that will be released later this year.

You have inspired hundreds of thousands of us with your work showcasing heart-based projects – Pencils of Promise, a Path Appears and other causes. What’s your viewpoint about using your platform to inspire change and service?

Having the extraordinary honor and privilege of people’s attention is something I take very seriously. Nothing brings me more joy than to use our platform to shine a light on issues that matter and, ideally, inspire people to act. Margaret Mead famously said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

You have inspired women and men worldwide to start their own business based on their passion and unique gifts and talents. You’ve created relationships to build your business using your WOO strength. Can you speak to the importance of knowing yourself (self-realization or personal growth) and that being true to yourself is a key to business success?

Understanding and leveraging your gifts is vital to not only business success, but lasting fulfillment and happiness as a human being. Because here’s the truth – no other person ever has, or ever will have, the unique blend of talents, strengths and perspective that you have. And if you don’t express it, in whatever way feels true to you, the world has lost something truly irreplaceable.

What wisdom would you share about your own mindset and the importance of using your mind instead of it using you?

Mindset is 80% of what it takes to win in any area of life. The best part? It’s 100% in your control! Think about it in terms of 3 A’s: your attitude, actions, and achievements. They create a virtuous circle that either fuels your success or keeps you stuck and struggling. Your attitude is informed by your beliefs. Whatever you believe about yourself, your capabilities and the world around you determines your actions. Your actions, to a large degree, determine your achievements — the results you create. And your achievements will then reinforce your attitude, for better or worse. So yes, no matter what you want to create or experience, the best place to start is by mastering your mindset.

Today Marie released her second training video here

I am proud to be an official promotional partner for Marie Forleo’s B-School: the online training program for business owners who want to make a positive difference in people’s lives — while making consistent money and marketing from the heart.

Enrollment for the 2015 session of B-School opens on February 18, 2015 and closes on March 4, 2015. The first training module is released on March 9, 2015. The program runs for 8 weeks, and you have access to the materials for life.

When you register for B-School through me, I receive a affiliate commission and this is one program I recommend (besides my own business training Make Money Now coming in April).  When you sign up through my affiliate link you will receive special bonuses that I’ve put together to support you during and after B-School. These bonuses are meant to help you get the most out of B-School and to help you stay in the game!  These bonuses are at no cost to you – it’s my gift to you as a thank you.

You can check out my B-School Bonuses here.

If you have any questions about my programs or B-School Bonuses, you can email and we will get answers to you.