You want to build your business online but you are afraid you aren’t an expert.
You want to go big with your art or your singing career but you don’t know how to take the first step.
You want to but you don’t know if you have what it takes or how to even start.
You are stuck. Your dream feels like it’s only a dream and not for someone like you. They all feel impossible.

Too many people settle in life for what’s possible. I’ve heard too many people talk to me about fearing they won’t live up to their potential or have a meaningful life.
You are here on the planet for a purpose. You are here to learn lessons and to serve with your own unique gifts.
I want you to embrace doing what you are afraid to do. There is no “do over” in life.
Waiting until you are an expert is downright crazy – your mind will never think you know enough.
None of us are ready when we make the leap. Making the leap helps us “feel” ready.
The only thing between you and your dream is a limiting belief or a fear.
Thoughts like these below are Universal – everyone has them. Everyone – they just don’t talk about it. I am in the Institute of The Work of Byron Katie and have been training since 2009 to use inquiry to help people stop suffering from their thoughts and beliefs.
I have worked with hundreds of clients, and I hear these all the time.
“I’m not good enough.”
“I don’t know enough.”
“I might fail.”
“I might get rejected.”
Until I became of student of The Work, I didn’t know that I was not my thoughts. Our ego is our left-brain and it is also known as the interpreter or the storyteller. It makes up stories based on one small piece of data or none – assuming something about someone – that are lies and partial truths. Yet we walk around believing them. Your higher Self or your intuition — your inner wise mentor – is what you want to listen too not the ego.
It’s estimated that we think about 60,000 thoughts each day, and I’ve heard that 70% of those thoughts are the same thoughts we think daily.
Now think about how many of those thoughts are negative, fearful or full of “not enough thoughts.”
You start to notice what your mind is telling you and notice the most painful thoughts. Notice, breathe and say to yourself – I don’t have to believe this thought. Don’t resist these thoughts because they will persist. Just notice and allow.
As you get better and better at noticing and disbelieving, you will feel more peaceful.
Fear of Failure
If you want a job, or to land a freelance project or to put your art in a gallery but you are afraid of rejection, you have just rejected yourself.
If you don’t try and take risks, you will NEVER fulfill your dreams.
Failure is the key to success. You have to fail to succeed at anything.
Because you are on my private list, I WANT you to be the person who takes action.
Some of my favorite experiences in life are those that at one time felt impossible or scared the pants off me.
Going to Bhutan was a remarkable experience. Of course I was afraid to travel halfway around the world and hike up in the Himalayas to a village that had never seen a group of Westerners. If fear had ruled, I would have missed out on one of my peak experiences of my life. I wouldn’t trade those two experiences for anything. By the way, I want to go on a second trip to Bhutan. It’s the most magical place in the world.
What feels impossible to us is always a belief or a thought and it’s rarely our capability.
We are creatures of habit and if what you are doing isn’t working, change it.
Most of us make changes in our lives when we finally decide that we’ve had enough – we can’t take it anymore.
When your finances are a problem, you start looking at them and make changes.
When your relationship is hanging by a thread and it’s time to seek counseling.
You have tried to build your business by yourself and you’re not making the money you need to make. You get help.
What story are you telling with your life? Is it one that you would want to tell? Is it one that you are happy about?
I want you to be the S(hero) of your own life. You must slay the dragons (limiting beliefs, stressful thoughts and fears).
Failure is the key to success. The more you put yourself out there and take risks, the more confident you will be in taking more risks.
I want you to make a list of things you would LOVE to do but they feel impossible.
Next: ask yourself these questions as you ponder things you would love to do but feel are impossible.
Will I be proud of myself if I do it?
Will I remember this experience as something I accomplished?
How will my life be better because I tried to do this thing?
Here are more questions for you to think about:
What do you want to be known for?
What are you bored with doing _____________________?
If your parents, God or your family, or there was no one left to upset or disappoint, who would you become?
What will be etched on the tree where your ashes were scattered or etched on your tombstone?
What is on your future resume?
What are your signature dance moves?
Below is a video of Darren Rowse’s talk at World Domination Summit. It was one of my favorites. Darren is the founder of and he spoke about how to make your dreams a reality. I think you will enjoy it.
Darren Rowse from Chris Guillebeau on Vimeo.
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