Hello and welcome:
I’m Sherold Barr. I’m a woman who has walked many roads, bought and sold many properties, launched many businesses, and slain many dragons.
I coach women entrepreneurs to help them create a business and life they are desire. I also help women break through their money barriers and earn more than they ever dreamed possible.
I’m a master manifester having manifested my husband, (2) one-million dollar condos, two six-figure businesses and my recovery from a near-fatal car accident in 2017.
My clients include:
Aspiring, newbie, and seasoned entrepreneurs. Moms who want to start home-based businesses. Corporate ladder climbers. Artists. Writers and women of all ages, backgrounds, careers, and walks of life.
I can help you:
– Start your online business, grow your current business so that you can make it profitable.
– Help you get unstuck so that you move forward to achieve your desires for your business and your life.
– Clear mental clutter (negative beliefs, subconscious beliefs that are programmed in your mind) so that you can move forward with your goals.
– Tackle “money overwhelm” and create a realistic plan to help you get out of debt, save up for a vacation, increase your business revenue, or whatever you’re yearning to do.
– Go ALL IN with your goals, bringing your full heart and spirit into the process, so that you start seeing and feeling positive changes more quickly.
This is our moment.
In this moment in world history, we need you to stand tall and strong, to believe in your abilities, to play bigger, and take ownership of your life and business so that you can become independent financially.
The days of women ignoring their money, feeling afraid of money, feeling intimidated about money, apologizing for having money, mismanaging their money, drowning in debt, over-working, under-earning… all of that needs to stop.
It’s time for women to stop having less, earning less, and settling for less.
It’s time to begin a fresh, healthy, empowered relationship with your money.
It’s time to reach for more.
I’d love to help you meet—and one day, exceed—your financial goals. I have books, classes, and coaching packages to support you, and I’d love to work with you in whatever capacity serves you best.
To your success,
You can read about the results I’ve helped my clients make here.
What I believe.
:: Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world.
:: You’re here to become self-realized and to learn from every single thing you experience in life. Every. Single. Thing.
:: With every breath you take, you get to choose what you experience in this lifetime. This is your last true freedom in life.
:: Fear has something to say to you. Ask fear – are you here to help me play smaller or play bigger?
:: Life tragedies, losses, and challenges are the dragons you slay on your earthly journey. There is a golden nugget of wisdom for you in each experience. It’s up to you to find it. Trust me. It’s there.
:: You have unique gifts and talents to share to make the world a better place. You’re here to share those with the world.
:: Every death of the ego (little self) is a victory for your Soul (higher Self).
:: The Universe is kind and it’s here to support you. I have proof. Look for the positive in any catalytic experience. Trust me – it’s there.
:: Your stressful and negative thoughts and beliefs cause ALL of your emotional suffering.
:: The Universe (God) rewards courage.
:: Your defining moments and past life experiences have no power over you unless you let them.
:: You can do ANYTHING you want to do if you can believe you can do it and take action. Fear + action = courage.

Sherold Barr is an absolutely delightful human being, a seasoned businesswoman, and a natural coach who can you change your life any which way you want. She has a laser focus on the issues that matter while still maintaining a sense of joy and fun. After 20 years working with companies all over the world, Sherold fears nothing and can handle anything. If you want an extraordinary coach to boost you into an extraordinary life, hire Sherold.
As a Master Life Coach + Entrepreneur, I’ve taken my background as a multi-ambitious entrepreneur — in marketing, communications, Fortune 500 consulting + real estate — and synthesized it with hundreds of hours (and thousands of dollars) of personal development + empowerment training. I’ve studied the art of self-inquiry at The Institute for The Work of Byron Katie (logging in 700 hours of training), rocked my online business mojo with marketing gurus Seth Godin and Marie Forleo, and was personally mentored by Oprah’s life coach of choice, Martha Beck.
I’ll never stop taming my lizard-brain, questioning my limiting beliefs, or alchemizing my own fears into rocket fuel.
I’d love to walk the fire, with you…all the way to freedom.
Professional bio.
For more than 23 years, Sherold was a strategic health care communications and marketing expert. For 10 years, she worked on a global level.
As a former hospital spokesperson and director of marketing of McKenzie-Willamette Hospital, she has extensive knowledge of all segments of the healthcare industry.
In 1997, she founded Extraordinary Work Group, a boutique PR firm niched in healthcare technology that represented Microsoft’s Healthcare Industry Solutions Group, healthcare software startups and a worldwide industry standards body that developed global electronic healthcare standards.Read more...
“When I worked with Sherold in my role as Worldwide Healthcare Industry Manager at Microsoft, we considered her an integral part of the Microsoft Healthcare Industry team. She helped set the team’s direction and drive its strategic path. She built solid relationships with media and analysts, and those relationships paid off in terms of getting us national business press coverage and positive analyst relations. Sherold took the time to understand our goals and objectives and she actually cared about our mission. I always knew the time I spent with Sherold would be spent well, and I think that’s the ultimate compliment.”
John Carpenter, Business Marketing Officer, Microsoft Corporation
10 Things you might not know about me.
- I held hands with a Buddhist Lama at 11,000 feet in the Himalayan Mountains of Bhutan. The group I was with said he spent more time praying with me than the others. Just this was an amazing experience.
- I was one of the sorority girls in Animal House. Little did I know what a successful movie that would become. I quit because I was bored! I’m in the fraternity house gathering in the beginning of the movie wearing a turquoise taffeta dress and white gloves – my 15 seconds of fame.
- I have experienced tremendous loss, grief, and uncertainty in my life—including my brother’s death, and my son’s near-fatal battle with a rare liver disease plus a car wreck in 2017 that almost cost me my life. After a year of recovering – I’m back. My recovery was a spiritual experience.
Read more... 4. Some of my clients call me “Mama Barr.” I’ve been told that I have a very maternal, nurturing energy. 5. My top professional victory of all time: helping a single mother with 10 kids go from earning $300 a month to $85k a year! She bought her first home in 2016. Anything is possible when you fully commit with your whole mind, heart, and spirit. 6. I’m not a “typical” money adviser. I am not an accountant. I don’t have a degree in economics. My guidance stems from my own life experiences, business experiences, and diverse spiritual traditions. I’m a master manifester. 7. Aside from coaching and helping women make more money, my greatest passions are: outdoor activities, oil painting, collecting fine wine, travel, gardening and Kundalini yoga, though not necessarily in that orderI started my first business in my late 40s and brought it to a half-million dollar level within just a few years. I started my second business in my late 50s. Who knows… maybe I’ll start a third business in my 60s or 70s! 8. I’m based in Portland, Oregon, where I live with my husband of 23 years, our dogs Lilly and Teddy, and a 19-foot long Airstream trailer named Bambi. We take Bambi out on the road every year for months at a time —it’s our home on wheels! 9. Age is simply a number that can hold you back if you let it. I started business #1 at age 47 and brought it to a mid six-figure business is four years. I started business #2 at age 57 and made it a six-figure coaching business. 10. You are not your thoughts. This was the biggest “Aha” I learned in my decade of personal growth. All that negative chatter in your head is your ego, your language center. Your higher self is the one that observes the chatter. This alone changed my life.
Ready to harness your passion, unique gifts and talents and do meaningful work in the world? Are you ready to live up to your full life potential and become more confident and courageous and build a profitable business?
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